
Career in Litana group of companies

Recognized, treated with respect, all employees are highly valued at Litana.

Core corporate values

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We treat employees with respect and dignity, strive to create friendly microclimate and proper conditions to satisfy their social and material needs.

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Depending on your individual goals and plans, we ensure the professional development and career enhancement on an equal opportunity basis.

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By applying various organizational develompent techniques, we attract, retain and further reward the best professionals in all areas of our business.

Success stories

Jevgenij Masaliov

Jevgenij Masaliov In 2011 started his working career in Litana group as Project Manager of a nuclear power plant construction in Finland. By 2018 Jevgenij was promoted to Managing Director of Litana Finland.

Quot I would like to emphasize that when I first travelled to Finland in 2011 I was absolutely sure this task was only temporary and it would be completed in 9 months. However, we managed to obtain additional work to do and all work had finished by the end of 2018. As a result, Finland has become my home. My daughter indeed has grown up there. Today I’ve begun new challenges and goals – to lead and develop Litana Group in Finland. It’s interesting and challenging, plus making my own decisions then have the freedom to act on them are among the factors that motivate me.’

Success stories

Jolanta Želvytė

Jolanta Zelvytė started acting as project manager at Litana’s Swedish subdivision in 2010. In March 2016 she was promoted to position of Deputy Director, and in June 2018 she became as Director of Swedish affiliate.

Quot When I started working as a Projects Manager, I didn’t think much about career. I was captivated by the new challenges, unpredictable turns, motivation and support from management. Therefore, I even didn‘t realize how unexpectedly I suddenly became a subdivision director. Now I‘m captivated by the same things. I’d like to motivate other colleagues to create both personal and company‘s success together.”

Success stories

Jokubas Beniusis

Jokubas Beniusis started his career at Litana in 2014 as an assistant project manager. Today he is Project Director for the Scandinavian market.

Quot One day a friend told me about his experience at Litana, a multinational company whose projects I found fascinating. I didn't believe I could get into such a company, but curiosity won out. I sent in my CV, was pleasantly surprised when I was invited to a job interview, and couldn't believe it when I was offered to join the team. Once I started working, I felt that my knowledge and skills were being put to the right use. Even as an assistant, I had the opportunity to contribute to the organisation of the construction process and make design decisions. With each new project I gained more experience and confidence. The day came when I was offered the opportunity to become a project manager myself and take on an impressive first project - the European Spallation Source (ESS), a 550 metre building in Sweden. I won't lie, it was really scary, but with the support of my family and colleagues, I accepted the challenge.  Get ready, the path in the Litana Group is full of challenges, but each of them leads to important lessons and achievements."

Success stories

Dovydas Janusas

Dovydas Janusas - discovered Litana Group during his studies in 2015, when Litana colleagues went to present the company's activities. After graduation and Erasmus internship in Denmark, Dovydas joined Litana Group team as Assistant Project Manager and today manages and coordinates Litana largest projects as Project Manager.   

Quot I first heard about Litana Group in 2015, when I was studying civil engineering. At that time, representatives of the company came to the college and presented their activities. Even then I thought it was a great company, and I told myself that my goal was to sooner or later work for a company that takes on non-standard, large-scale projects. After graduating, I went on an Erasmus traineeship in Denmark, and when I came back I saw Litana's job advert. It was the perfect opportunity to join the company I had been dreaming about. After successfully becoming Assistant Project Manager, I joined my first project in Sweden, in Uppsala. It was a large bus depot, which impressed me a lot as a rookie engineer. In almost six years I have been involved in eight different projects, all of them interesting and unique.  What I enjoy most in my day-to-day work is that I have the opportunity to continuously learn and improve."

Success stories

Tomas Taujanskis

Tomas Taujanskis is one of Litana Group's professionals who started his career in the company in 2012 as a structural assembler and gradually worked his way up to the position of Project Manager. 

Quot My journey at Litana Group started around 2012 when I started working as a steel assembler in Sweden. After a few years of working there, I decided to return to Lithuania to continue my studies, and when I came back I was offered to join Litana's administration. Working as a construction administrator, I was able to gain an insight into the company's business processes and dynamic projects in Scandinavia, which were of particular interest to me. I have always liked a challenging environment, so when I received an offer to work on a project in Sweden, I did not hesitate. It was a great experience and helped me to get to know all aspects of construction in Sweden. I am currently leading several project teams in Stockholm, working on strategically important infrastructure projects such as a bus station in the city centre or a new transport hub in the north of the city. I am also leading a project in Denmark where a new pharmaceutical plant is being built for one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. I used to prefer to do everything myself, but I now realize that the greatest goals are achieved by working together with a team. I try to discover the strengths of each team member and use them to the best advantage. For me, Litana Group is a place where constant challenges become the beginning of new opportunities and success is only achieved through consistent work and working together as a team."

Why a job in Litana, what’s the attraction?

Our employees during team building training

Today Litana employees work in various areas of the construction business, design and shipbuilding, finance, economics, sales and supply chain management. Any may choose which activity best suits them, and we are ready to propose your desired professional career path, which would be based on your personal and professional objectives.

Tell us who you‘d like to be, and we‘ll tell you how you can achieve it!

Litana group is one of the leaders in construction and manufacturing business. We co-operate with the world class level companies, apply the most modern technologies and software. By developing and improving, we arrange training sessions on a constant basis, in order to upgrade the qualification and skills of our cherished professionals.

Would you like to become the professional in your field?
Let's go for it!

Litana conducts regular business all over the whole of Europe. Depending on your desire, you may relocate together with your family to work and live in other countries all around the world: France, Finland, Latvia, Sweden, Norway etc. Wherever you work with us, you can be assured that our company adheres to all completely accepted European standards.

Are you keen, active, and would like to live and work according to the highest European standards? – therefore let‘s join us!

Apprenticeship and career Opportunities

Litana team is ready to share the knowledge and experience with young professionals. We invite graduates and students currently enrolled to join us for job inquiries to better understand their career goals and to learn more about Litana professional activities.
Send your CV and motivation letter to email: