„Latvian Award of the Year in Construction“ is a well-known competition in Latvia with many years of tradition, inviting construction companies, engineers, designers and project managers to present their projects completed over the past year and compete for first place in 10 categories.

This year, the Latvian division of the Litana group also announced its participation in the competition, presenting as its debut the shopping mall „Via Jurmala Outlet Village“, completed in 2020. This object is declared in the category of the competition „New public building“.

According to the organizers of the competition, the number of applications for participation this year was almost 140. Both new buildings and reconstructed objects, the design of which reflects modern construction trends and technologies, are presented to the jury. The participants will have a hard fight, and the evaluation committee will have a difficult task of choosing the winner. It is already known that the Litana group has passed to the next stage of the competition, the winners of which will be announced in the second half of March.